Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Law - European Law School (ELS) — EULysses

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


General Information

The Faculty of Law of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid has always been at the forefront in the field of Law and Political Science studies. It was created in 1970 and, thanks to the prestige of its founders, it soon became one of the most important Law Schools in Spain and one of the best in Europe. Today it continues to be an institution of reference.

Its aim is to continue to maintain the leading role that has always characterised us as promoters of social change in the field of legal, social and political sciences in order to continue training committed citizens, capable of transforming and improving society.

The Faculty's main objective is not only to offer its students quality teaching, but also to give them the opportunity to acquire appropriate professional experience. Its teaching system is based on both theoretical and practical aspects. It collaborates with the best Law Firms in Madrid and with the main companies, professional institutions and public entities in the country, which allows our students to follow an exhaustive internship programme in order to have a first contact with the activity they intend to develop at the end of their studies; that is why it stands out for its high level of labour market insertion.

The Faculty is structured in three Departments: the Department of Private, Social and Economic Law, the Department of Public Law and Legal Philosophy and the Department of Political Science and International Relations. It is also home to the University Institute of Local Law. Through its activities, the Faculty is a leader in research and its members enjoy a high reputation among legal and political science professionals and researchers. It publishes two highly reputable scientific journals, the Law Faculty Yearbook (AFDUAM) and the Law Faculty Law Review (RJUAM).

The Faculty of Law is located in a privileged environment; situated on a campus with excellent services and communications, which can even be accessed by a railway line that directly connects our university with the centre of Madrid (Sol-Cantoblanco Station).

Located in a modern building, it is equipped with excellent facilities and unbeatable technological resources. It also has one of the best libraries in its speciality. Students also have access to a comprehensive network management system that allows them to easily and quickly access the information they need.


Contact person for students

Prof. Alfonso Iglesias, ELS Representative
