Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Law - European Law School (ELS) — EULysses

Universidade Católica Portuguesa



General Information

Católica - Lisbon School of Law is a leading law school in Portugal. Foreseeing and moving side by side with society’s needs and demands, the Law School is permanently evolving, both in terms of its degrees and teaching methods. From the beginning of this century, the Law School undertook a strategy of reform, with the goal of becoming more internationally oriented, more connected with law firms, companies and public agencies, and pedagogically innovative.


The internationalisation strategy is decisive for Católica - Lisbon School of Law. Other than the international recognition of Católica Global School of Law, founded in 2009 in order to promote courses in English, this strategy becomes evident with the undergraduate Transnational Law Curriculum of the School, as well as through the partnerships developed with some of the most prestigious Law Schools worldwide. The School of Law ensures the high quality of the academic offer at all levels, especially by recruiting Portuguese and international professors from some of the most highly regarded European and American universities.


The campus of Palma de Cima (Lisbon) is composed of three buildings in a total area of 43,000 square meters, which include classrooms, auditoriums, computer rooms, a library, bars, canteens and restaurant, associative and social spaces, bookstore, copy center, etc.



European Lawyer Master Programme

At graduate level, Católica Global School of Law offers several English-taught programmes that figure amongst the best in the world:

Graduate students willing to study in Portuguese may apply to one of the five Portuguese-taught Master’s programmes offered by the Law School.



Católica – Lisbon School of Law will admit up to 6 students from of the ELS-Universities Network in their 5th or 6th year of studies, who will meet the entry criteria required for, respectively, the LL.M. or the Masters programmes.

Upon successful completion, partner students will be awarded a LL.M. diploma or, in both cases, after submitting and discussing a thesis, a Master’s degree.


Additional Semester Abroad

Incoming students from the ELS Network obtain the right to apply for an additional term in the exchange programmes between the Católica – Lisbon School of Law and the US universities of Duke University Law School, Cornell University Law School and Michigan University Law School.


Católica – Lisbon School of Law will provide a reduction of tuition for all incoming students from the ELS Network of 50% for English taught Master programmes and of 25% for Portuguese taught Master programmes.


Additional information on the courses, tuition fee, and entry requirements are available on the links of each programme.


The extensive Website about the European Law School (ELS) Network provided by the Universidade Católica Portuguesa can be found here.




Information about additional scholarship opportunities can be found here.



Special arrangements for European Lawyer Programm Students

The Law School does not provide special arrangements for ELP Students, but they are always welcome to manifest their interest in taking part in research projects held at the University.



Contact person for students

Maria Inês Neves, International Relations Executive Coordinator




Social Networks

LinkedIn Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Lisboa  Youtube Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Lisboa  Facebook Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Lisboa