Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Law - European Law School (ELS) — EULysses

HELS Foundation

Since its foundation in 2007, close contact and exchange with legal professionals has been a main concern of the Humboldt European Law School. The Humboldt European Law School Foundation was established to consolidate this relationship.

The founding sponsors are Linklaters, Noerr (formerly Noerr Stiefenhofer Lutz), CMS Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern mbB, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Siemens AG, Deutsche Börse AG, P+P Pöllath + Partners Rechtsanwälte und Steuerberater mbB, Vattenfall Europe AG and the private individuals Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus Hopt, Prof. Dr. Christine Windbichler, LL.M. and Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. phil. Stefan Grundmann, LL.M..


The first sponsors are listed on this information board in the Alten Palais of the Faculty of Law at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.



Purpose of the Foundation


The purpose of the Humboldt European Law School Foundation is to promote university education, science and research in the field of law. The Foundation promotes cooperation between the universities belonging to the European Law School Network on the part of the Humboldt University by providing financial contributions and support of the study programme through the legal profession.

The Foundation's mission is carried out in particular by organising, financing or financially supporting joint events such as summer schools, as well as events, such as block seminars, at Humboldt University for students of the "European Lawyer" programme and the European Doctoral College, as well as for alumni of these programmes.


Board of Directors


The three-member Board of the Humboldt European Law School Foundation represents the Foundation externally and is entrusted with its management. The Board works closely with the Humboldt European Law School's Director of Studies.


  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Grundmann, LL.M.

Chairman of the Board and Founding Member of the European Law School Network

Stefan Grundmann is Professor of Transnational Private Law at the European University Institute in Florence (EUI) and holds the Chair of Civil Law, German, European and International Private and Commercial Law at the Humboldt University in Berlin.


  • Hans Christian Kirchner

Board member

Hans Christian Kirchner is head of the Berlin office of the law firm Noerr and partner in the area of litigation, arbitration and alternative dispute resolution.


  • Dr. Michael Schremmer

Board member

Michael Schremmer is a founding member of Böhland & Schremmer Verlag and a lecturer at the Humboldt University in Berlin.



Advisory Board


The Advisory Board of the Humboldt European Law School Foundation is composed of the Founders and Co-Founders in accordance with the statutes. The Advisory Board meets at least once a year and is entrusted with monitoring the Executive Board.


  • Dr. Gerd Leutner (CMS Hasche Sigle)

Chairman of the Advisory Board

Gerd Leutner is a partner at the law firm CMS Hasche Sigle, specialising in corporate and contract law in private international law and international procedural law. He is a member of the Cercle économique franco-allemand de Berlin.


  • Dr. Tibor Fedke, LL.M. (Noerr)

Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Board

Tibor Fedke is a partner at the law firm Noerr and a member of the Practice Groups Corporate Law/Mergers & Acquisitions and Energy.


  • Dr. Henrik Armah (Greenberg Traurig)

Advisory Board Member

Henrik Armah is a partner in the law firm Greenberg Traurig. He advises international and German clients on M&A transactions, joint ventures and all aspects of corporate and transformation law.


  • Christopher Bremme (Linklaters)

Advisory Board Member

Christopher Bremme is specialised in advising energy companies, financial investors and banks on M&A transactions, power plant projects, joint ventures and privatisations in the energy sector.


  • Friederike Buhl, LL.M. (De Gruyter Verlag)

Advisory Board Member

Friederike Buhl is Senior Editorial Director Legal & Economics at the De Gruyter publishing house in the Legal Studies department.


  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus J. Hopt, MCJ

Member of the Advisory Board

Klaus J. Hopt is Professor Emeritus and Director of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and Domestic Private Law in Hamburg and a prominent representative of German commercial law.


  • Dr. Kai Uwe Pritzsche, LL.M. (lawyer)

Chairman of the Advisory Board

Kai Uwe Pritzsche was a partner at the law firm Linklaters and has been a freelance lawyer since 2018.


  • Prof. Dr. Christine Windbichler, LL.M.

Member of the Advisory Board

Christine Windbichler is Professor Emerita of Commercial, Business and Labour Law at the Humboldt University of Berlin and a member of the Board of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and a full member of the Leopoldina, National Academy of Sciences and Humanities, among others.