Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Law - European Law School (ELS) — EULysses

Our sponsors

1. Public sponsors


The European Law School Network is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German-French University (DFH) through structural funding and, most importantly, mobility grants.



2. Private sponsors and partners

The Humboldt European Law School's donators and partners, who support the Humboldt European Law School through six-figure sponsorship contributions (five-figure individual sponsors) and by helping to shape the programme's content, deserve our sincere thanks.



CMS Hasche Sigle
De Gruyter Verlag
Greenberg Traurig


3. Private persons

Prof. a.D. Dr. Christine Windbichler, LL.M. (Berkeley)
Prof. Dr. iur., Dr. phil., Dr. iur. h.c. mult., Klaus Hopt
Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. phil. Stefan Grundmann, LL.M (Berkeley)


4. Donators


CMS Hasche Sigle
CMS is one of the leading commercial law firms in Germany.
More than 600 lawyers, tax advisors and notaries are represented in eight important business centres in Germany and at five international locations. At all locations, we advise German and foreign companies as well as institutions from a wide range of industries in all matters of national and international commercial law.

Personnel policy/qualificational

Our philosophy is that a degree with distinction alone does not make a top lawyer. Particularly in the case of trainee lawyers, proven cooperation is more important to us than their final grade, which must nevertheless be above average overall. Internships at other law firms, an LL.M. or a doctorate are welcome, but not a prerequisite. A very good command of English is essential in the day-to-day work of our law firm.

In order to keep our promise of quality to our clients, we only hire above-average lawyers. As a newcomer, you should be a team player with the desire to make your mark in the firm. In addition, you should have an entrepreneurial mindset and an economic understanding of working in a large law firm. It is equally important to work independently, but also to ask questions, be curious and bring your own perspectives.

We will give you your first client contact at an early stage and thus also the opportunity to take on responsibility. From the very beginning, you will work on tasks independently and present them to the client after consulting with the team and mentor. You can look forward to a working environment characterised by collegiality and enthusiasm for excellent legal work.

Partnership is and will remain a realistic long-term goal for us. In the end, we hire you because we are convinced of your quality and potential as a future partner. The career model sets out the career stages in a transparent manner and you will receive the best possible support through the mentoring programme, as well as the tailor-made further training and networking events at the CMS Academy.

Further education
The CMS Academy offers you various continuing education formats that build on each other, within which you will be specifically supported in the relevant learning areas. In addition to further training in the business and activity areas, this also includes cross-divisional specialist knowledge, business management and organisational skills as well as the personal development.




Linklaters is one of the largest international law firms, with a total of around 2,000 lawyers in 30 offices in over 23 countries. It advises leading companies and financial institutions worldwide on commercial and tax law. In addition, sector- and market-specific teams advise in areas such as health care, TMT, regulated markets, compliance or private equity.

Linklaters is represented in Germany by more than 320 lawyers, of whom around 70 are partners. The firm was formed in 2001 through the merger of the law firms Linklaters (UK) and Oppenhoff & Rädler (Germany). Prior to this, Boden Oppenhoff Rasor Raue and Rädler Raupach Bezzenberger had merged to form Oppenhoff & Rädler in 1995. Linklaters became a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) under English law on 1 May 2007.

The firm's philosophy is to provide our clients with innovative, multidisciplinary and industry-specific solutions to the most complex issues in a results-oriented manner.

Human resources policy/promotion of young talents

At Linklaters, further training for lawyers begins even before they start working as lawyers.

As a trainee with good qualifications, you can already actively get to know the structure of an international law firm. Your internship with us is not based on a rigid training concept. Rather, as a team member you will be assigned the work of partners, managing associates as well as associates. If you already know which areas of work you are interested in, you can apply directly for a position in the relevant department. For the duration of your employment, a mentor will help you to settle in with us and to master the challenges of Linklaters. In addition to your practical experience, we offer you the opportunity to participate in the professional contributions and workshops of our trainee lawyer programme "Colleagues of Tomorrow".
The name of our trainee lawyer programme "Colleagues of Tomorrow" is no coincidence. We see our trainee lawyers as potential long-term employees.

In addition to specific client work, your training with us is based on three pillars:

Your mentor:
• Staff introduction and presentation in the department
• Professional guidance
• Feedback
• Final interview and report card

Lectures and workshops:
• Insights into other departments and subject areas
• Lectures last approx. 3 hours
• Workshops last an entire afternoon
• Interactive

Group work Referendars - Lunches and evenings:
• Create a network within the firm
Thanks to our intensive promotion of young lawyers, the magazine "karriere" awarded us the "Fair Company" seal of quality. In 2006, we also won the JUVE Award as law firm of the year for promoting young talent.




Noerr is one of the leading European commercial law firms with 480 professionals in Germany, Europe and the USA. With solutions for complex and challenging legal issues, we create real added value for our clients. What makes Noerr special is the combination of broad professional excellence with innovative thinking, international experience and industry expertise. Listed and multinational corporations, large and medium-sized family businesses as well as financial institutions and international investors rely on our advice.

In Noerr's view, the training to become a European lawyer at the Humboldt European Law School represents a forward-looking qualification for the next generation of lawyers. Noerr's aspiration thus coincides with the teaching aspiration of Humboldt European Law School. For Noerr, this common guiding principle is the basis of a long-term, cooperative partnership with Humboldt European Law School.

Personal development at Noerr

We offer all the advantages of a leading commercial law firm with German roots but an international orientation and presence. For you, this means broad-based training and individual support with plenty of room for professional and personal exchange with colleagues. You will join a highly motivated environment and will be involved in the client work from the very beginning. It is a matter of course for us to offer you the opportunity to look beyond your own nose: You can work in one of our foreign offices; a secondment with a friendly law firm, a Lex Mundi partner law firm or a company is obligatory.

As a junior associate, you will benefit from a wide range of opportunities to gain experience and gradually develop your area of expertise. On the basis of professional expertise and a corresponding market reputation, you will create the prerequisites for nomination for partnership.


The contact persons are available at any time to answer professional and personal questions about internships, traineeships and starting a career. Our Noerr Practice event series also offers the opportunity to gain insights into our offices, talk shop during a case study and get to know your colleagues on site.



De Gruyter Verlag
For more information: de Gruyter Verlag.



P+P Pöllath und Partners is a renowned, internationally active commercial law firm with 23 partners and a total of almost 90 lawyers and tax advisors in Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich.
Our focus lies on cross-border legal and tax advice for mergers and acquisitions (M&A), private equity, venture capital and family office support (funds, entrepreneurs and large estates). The firm concentrates on transactional business, the purchase, sale or conversion or restructuring of companies, the establishment and structuring of funds and advising investors on private equity funds. Another focus is real estate, including project development.

A common goal of the HELS and P+P is the interdisciplinary and international orientation, as reflected not only in the transactions, but also in our pro bono activities.
We support high-performance research and funding with the "Excellence Foundation for the Promotion of the Max Planck Society". With UP Microloans, we try to live up to our social international responsibility, and with the ex oriente Foundation, cultural exchange, mainly between China and Germany, is strengthened and promoted in many ways.

Human Resources Policy/Promotion of young talents

Like the HELS, we prioritise quality over quantity. Although we are not represented in every market segment, we are leaders in all our special fields and are well known in the market. In line with our firm's maxims, our promotion of young talent is also selective and individual. At the university level, in addition to the HELS, we support the University of Münster with further education and postgraduate courses.
For the employees of our law firm, we develop an individual further training programme, internally as well as externally, depending on their inclinations and interests, which can readily change in the course of their time with us.
We offer comprehensive internships and traineeships to young professionals and students. They are integrated into our day-to-day business in a hands-on and practical way. Each trainee/referee has their own assigned contact person who always has an open ear for them.
Work-life balance is very important to us. Regular "ladies' days" support and strengthen the exchange of ideas between our female partners and associates, whose proportion is disproportionately high. Sabbaticals and/or part-time work are encouraged, e.g. during dissertations or additional studies.

Courses offered by P+P Pöllath + Partners at the HELS

Every year we organise a symposium for the students of the European Business School on topics from our field of practice.



Die Deutsche Börse

Deutsche Börse organises the market for investments. Stock exchanges are among the oldest trading centres in the world - and among the most modern. Deutsche Börse has long been more than just a "marketplace" and also more than a "German stock exchange": it is an exchange organisation that uses high-performance technology to open the way to the global capital markets for companies and investors. And it is a company that is aware of its social responsibility and committed to the community. Deutsche Börse Group is more than just a sponsor. It sees itself as a long-term partner of the institutions it supports - and gets involved in joint initiatives and projects. Continuity and fairness are always in the foreground; when selecting partners, quality takes precedence over quantity. This is why Deutsche Börse Group has chosen to partner with the Humboldt European Law School. Deutsche Börse Group attaches great importance to corporate responsibility and community commitment. The Group understands this to mean a sense of corporate responsibility towards its employees worldwide, towards business partners, customers and investors, as well as towards society - especially at the company's locations.

Deutsche Börse Group sees itself as a "good corporate citizen" and is primarily involved in the areas of art and culture, social affairs, education and science. The latter includes the promotion of institutions for the education and further training of young people as well as scientific institutes and events. This is because Deutsche Börse Group wants to take responsibility for the education of young people and - together with the educational institutions - to invest specifically in school and academic research and teaching.

Other projects at a glance:

- Duke Goethe Executive MBA, Goethe Business School, Frankfurt
- Erasmus-von-Rotterdam-Schule (trilingual all-day primary school), Frankfurt
- Eurex-Deutsche Börse Group Scholarship, Oxford
- Campus for Finance, WHU, Vallendar

Human Resources Policy/Promotion of young talents

Deutsche Börse Group is more diverse than many people think. Employees from 50 countries work for the company. Thanks to its broad and international orientation, students, graduates and young professionals from a wide range of disciplines not only find job prospects at Deutsche Börse Group, but also attractive opportunities for further development and multi-faceted career paths. You don't have to be a financial expert to become part of the team: Deutsche Börse Group offers a varied range of tasks in a dynamic, professional environment - even for people from outside the industry.
The company is looking for employees from very different disciplines, including economists and lawyers, but also physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians and humanities graduates. Flat hierarchies and short coordination paths are lived practice - and also promote communication and cooperation.



The Vattenfall Group is one of Europe's five largest electricity companies alongside EDF, E.ON, RWE and Enel, and is also Europe's largest heat producer. We operate along the entire energy value chain - from mining to our customers' sockets. Our main markets are Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland and Denmark. Vattenfall currently employs around 32,000 people across the Group, of which around 21,000 are in Germany.

Our Group's vision is to be a leading European energy company in every respect - in relation to customers, the environment and employees. In order to achieve this goal, a corporate philosophy has been developed within the Group that is based on the following fundamental values:

- Effectiveness in the sense of optimal use of resources
- Openness in the sense of dialogue and cooperation
- Reliability in the sense of responsible action.

In doing so, we have to react to changing environmental conditions, because the electricity markets have been liberalised to a large extent and we are increasingly operating in a European context. However, this does not only affect us, but is generally a requirement that a large number of companies are confronted with. This means that the economy is increasingly dependent on employees who can move confidently in this environment. This requires corresponding training offers.

The concept of the HELS stands for an education with an integrated knowledge approach reflected from a European perspective and the goal of educating a modern lawyer capable of working in Europe, who is characterised by the ability to work in an international team as well as being integrated into a European network that guarantees lifelong exchange of knowledge and experience. The strongly Europe-oriented education combined with the creation of transnational networks is an approach which, in our view, is not yet sufficiently reflected in the current legal education; in this respect, the HELS has a pioneering role which we are happy to support.

Human resources policy/promotion of young talents

There are two options for the promotion of young talent for university graduates:
- The Vattenfall Europe trainee programme applies to all university graduates: Over a period of 18 months, newcomers are given a comprehensive insight into our Group. In addition to on-the-job training in one of our Group companies, trainees also get to know other Vattenfall Europe departments and locations. In this way, they develop a greater understanding of operational interrelationships and processes and learn to think holistically across departmental and company boundaries. In addition to working on projects, the trainee programme is supplemented by seminars and events for professional and personal development. We organise regular meetings among the trainee colleagues to build networks within the Group and to exchange experiences.
- Especially in legal training, there is the possibility of completing an internship at one of the Group's legal departments (in Berlin, Hamburg or Cottbus) and/or in the labour law/principles department at the holding company in Berlin as part of your studies or as a station during your legal traineeship.




For more information: Siemens.


Deutsche Bank
For more information: Deutsche Bank.


Prof. a.D. Dr. Christine Windbichler, LL.M. (Berkeley)

More information about Prof. Dr. Christine Windbichler.



Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. phil. Stefan Grundmann, LL.M (Berkeley)
More information about Prof. Dr. Stefan Grundmann.




Prof. Dr. iur., Dr. phil., Dr. iur. h.c. mult., Klaus Hopt
More information about Prof. Dr. Klaus Hopt.



Latham and Watkins

Our roots are in Los Angeles, where the firm was founded in 1934. In the 1980s, we expanded our local presence, which had been successful in the US until then, into a national presence. The leap to Europe and Asia followed in the 1990s. Then, at the end of the last decade, we opened our first offices in the Persian Gulf. With more than 2,000 lawyers in 31 offices, we are one of the leading international commercial law firms worldwide.

We entered the German market by opening offices in Hamburg and Frankfurt in 2001 and in Munich in 2006. Since then, the German offices, awarded several times, have been considerably expanded and currently comprise about 80 lawyers in Hamburg, about 50 in Frankfurt and about 20 in Munich. We advise German and foreign banks and financial services institutions as well as German and international companies of various sizes and in various sectors.

Human resources policy/promotion of young talents

Our exceptional firm culture provides the foundation for you to feel comfortable at Latham & Watkins and to develop professionally in the best possible way. We see it as our duty to give our young colleagues the best possible preparation for the legal profession.

As a trainee in one of our German offices, you will have the opportunity to work directly on major transactions in international teams and to gain an insight into various specialist areas. In addition, we support you through our internal training events, which are made by colleagues for colleagues and are open to everyone.

You can also gain an insight into the work of a commercial lawyer in an international law firm during your traineeship. Because your training is important to us, we have developed a programme that is now even more closely geared to your training needs. This includes not only regular participation in our internal training programme TACE, but also participation in special training offers aimed exclusively at trainee lawyers. These include an introduction to the practical work of a law firm, a series of file lectures and intensive training on deadlines. We cover the costs of an exam exam course and offer the opportunity to take part in a simulated oral examination. During the entire time, a lawyer is available to you as a contact person for personal and professional questions.

We would be happy to talk to you about your prospects at Latham & Watkins.

Lisa Sönnichsen,, 069.6062.6000
Ulrich Klockenbrink,, 040.4140.30
Nicole Beyersdorfer,, 089.2080.3.8000

Fore more information


Greenberg Traurig


Dr. Kai Uwe Pritzsche, LL.M. (Rechtsanwalt)
Kai Uwe Pritzsche was a partner at the law firm Linklaters and has been a freelance lawyer since 2018.




More information about PayPal.